Where we work

We work in various dioceses in Kenya such as- Homabay, Mombasa, Kitale, Eldoret, Kericho, Nakuru, Meru, Maralal, Marsabit, Kisumu, Kisii, Kakamega, Meru and Nairobi. We are called to work among the marginalized people. In Marsabit Diocese we work among the Rendile and Borana; in Ngong Diocese in Kenya, we work among the Maasai; in Maralal we work among the Samburu; in Kitale we work among the Pokot. In Arusha diocese in Tanzania, too, we work among the Maasai. We also work in the United Kingdom and the United States of America where we are involved in health care and care for the elderly; counseling and Eucharistic ministry; and feeding the homeless. In all these areas our focus is on education, youth ministry, social work, technical education, medical and pastoral work. This is based on a strong prayer life and community living without which there would be no effective service to God’s people. In order to serve effectively and meet the demands and challenges of our time, we remain open to the ever increasing needs of the Church in our time. Structurally, the institute is divided into five administrative units known as Regions. These are: Homabay Region, Kericho Region, Eldoret Region, Nairobi Region, and Arusha Region. Various communities are distributed under the said Regions. The Generalate stands as a distinct unit with certain designated communities under it.

A dignified society for all God's people,Paricularly women,children and the vulnerable

Get In Touch

St. Francis Generalate
P.O BOX 669 – 40200

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